Wednesday, October 6, 2010

i just got back from a great biblestudy. we talked about living a purposeful life. what does it mean to live purposefully? how does that look for each person? what a tough question, i mean isn't this what so many of us search for our entire lives. finding that road to happiness. what if each morning we woke up and said "Lord let this day be yours, let me live for you, i give you my day," can you image how different our day would be? I image all of my interactions would be so purposeful, my heart would be so full of joy that a smile would never leave my face and God would show me each moment how i was using my time to live purposefully whether i knew it or not. it just makes you take a step back and say what am i doing all of this for? am i being selfish or selfless? do i show God's love to those i interact without throughout my day. i think living purposefully comes through our daily actions, and our decisions that affect the way we will live our lifes. just something to think about for me this week. i think it's a good way to start out a new month. with the fresh idea of living a purposeful life. the way God wants me to live my life, to it's fullest!

what a beautiful song about giving glory to God.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome...couldn't agree more. Someday its a struggle but thats what makes it all even more beautiful.
