Sunday, May 16, 2010

a universal language.

i think children are the ultimate example of the universal language of love and happiness. my three year olds could care less that i'm American, they think it's really cool when i show them where i live on the map but they love me just the same. they talk my head off like i can
understand every word they're saying and i just shake my head and smile. through working with them i've realized that all kids just want to be loved, they want to be happy all the time. they all react the same to a smile. when laura is teaching and i catch one of their tiny little eyes, and i smile or show a face of excitement they kinda tilt there head and look away as a huge smile forms across their little face just as any child would do. they get so excited about the small stuff! they hold their bellies and pull at their hair and their noses are constantly, i mean constantly running and it's wonderful.

from the second i arrived in modena i have felt an overwhelming amount of love. when i was nervous on the first day of school i walked in to find this sweet sign and i was extremely relieved. all the parents have loved meeting me and always try to talk to me in english. there
broken "hi how are you's" or "good morning's" make me happy everytime. i think they're excited that their child gets the opportunity to hear english was someone who speaks it.
this is the class i'm normally with. i'll keep updating pictures. THEY ARE THE BEST! i'm in love with every single one of them. i could write pages about each one's little quirks that i love so much but i'll spare you. some of them just make me crack up in the middle of lessons. others make my heart melt. they are so much fun! it's great when the kids walk up to me when i'm sitting on my tiny little stool and hug me and kiss my cheek. i love watching them dance and sing and run around and play.
this was the class i was with on friday. they're a little crazier but they were so cute. they dragged me around all over the place to play puzzles or dress up. look at their precious little faces.

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